Monday, November 26, 2007


After stuffing my face over thanksgiving break, I was shocked and disgusted when I found a small dimple in my thigh. I decided to take action. When I told my husband I was going to a 6am spinning class the next morning, he snorted and replied, "yeah, right." Being of the stubborn-Korean decent, I immediately wanted to prove him wrong. But when I woke up at 5:20am, I thought to myself that he might've been right. For some of you this may be "regular" time and you might not feel any remorse for me whatsoever, but for those who only wake-up at this early to catch a flight or take someone to the airport, you understand.

My first spinning class was a "rookie" success story. I felt like I was going to die in the first 30 minutes of warm-up, and then felt like I could do this for another hour in the last 30 minutes. I felt great, had breakfast, and it wasn't until I looked at the clock at my desk and realized that I've already had 4 hours into my day and it was only 9am. Aaaah!!!!

The curse of early risers and 6am spinning!